Telford Largest Rug Seller
Rugs for everyone in Telford

Whatever rug you are looking for – we are most likely to have it as we have the largest range of rugs in Telford. If we do not have it in stock then browse our Supplier Catalogues and we will order it in especially for you.

Carpets | Rugs | Vinyl | Natural Floor Coverings | Engineered Wood & Laminate

A Wide Range of Products To Choose From

Here at All Floors ‘n’ Rugs we offer a variety of rugs (Modern & Traditional plus Children’s Rugs) in many shapes and sizes to suit any type of room. Whether you are looking for affordable or high-end products, you can find it all at our store.

Competitively Priced

We sell superior items at highly affordable prices to ensure that you do not have to compromise on quality. Have a look at our extensive range of products in our gallery.

Different Styles

  • Traditional designs
  • Modern Designs
  • Children’s Rugs
    You can also visit us or call us if you are looking for Carpets, Engineered Wood & Laminate flooring , Vinyl or Natural FloorCoverings.

    Looking for Synthetic or Wool (Hand-Made & Machine Made ) Rugs in Telford ? Then call us now on 01952 61 81 91